
Last week, my biology honors class and I went to an early showing of IMAX Insterstellar, a film about Cooper, an ex-member of the decommissioned NASA, working with some of his old colleagues to find a new home for people as the Earth becomes uninhabitable.
In the film, the crew of the spacecraft use a wormhole near Saturn to reach a distant galaxy in search for members of an earlier expedition. The wormhole is thought to have two points set at different places and time in the galaxy. Although we have no visual evidence for their existence, the theories of relatively as discussed in the film, suggest they do exist. Even though time travel is considered to be science fiction fantasy popularized by Captain Kirk and Picard, humanity may achieve the ability to travel into the dimension of time.

Time travel revolves around relatively. If wormholes do exist this would point to the possibility of time travel. By accelerating one end of a wormhole to a velocity higher than the other, it would be possible to travel through time, as long as one brought it back to normal velocity during the journey. However, this theory may not be possible due to unknown quantum effects. Furthermore, for humans to travel through time, we would need to develop a way to travel at faster speeds in space. At current speeds, it takes about 300 days to reach Mars, and 80000 to reach Proxima Centauri, our nearest star system. Finding these wormholes could require traveling far beyond Promixa Centauri.
As discussed after the film, Earth is eventually headed into the direction possible destruction. Although this will not occur for thousands of years, the emission of greenhouse gases, the abundant use of Earth’s natural resources, and overpopulation could contribute to such a world. If humanity can change our actions, and become more Eco-friendly, a change in the outcome of our future could arise.
In summary, the film Interstellar raises the possibility of the existence of wormholes and the capability and possible need for time travel.


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